
Receptacles and Plugs
LEL Connector

Designed to complement JST’s range of LED connectors, this single circuit Board-to-Board connector has a mating height of 1.2mm, thus providing a low profile and space saving solution for LED

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Connector Housings
ACH Connector

The ACH Series Wire-to-Board connector was originally developed for DC power supply applications. With a 2.0 Amp current rating for both 2 and 3 circuits, mating height of 1.40mm and width of 4.30mm, this low profile connector is prefect for compact applications.

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Connector Housings
XSR Connector

At 0.6mm in pitch, the XSR Series is one of the world’s smallest insulation displacement connectors (IDC). With a mounting height of 1.45mm and a depth of 3.00mm, this connector is ideal for application environments where space is at a premium.

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Produktliste von JST Japan Solderless Terminals

Batterien, Akkus & Ladegeräte

Kabel, Einzeladern & konfektionierte Kabel

Komponenten für LED-Beleuchtung


Werkzeuge & Werkstattbedarf

Alle Produkte anzeigen (1.333)

Neue Produkte von JST Japan Solderless Terminals


Werkzeuge & Werkstattbedarf

Alle Produkte anzeigen (20)


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